WHIDBEY ISLAND COCOA COMPANY started in October 2017, while we were looking for a way to use the underutilized space in our sister company leased shop, Fantasia Dance and Motion Apparel, on Pioneer Way Downtown Oak Harbor WA.
The year before we had visited the Seattle Garden and Flowers Show and purchased a pound of brewing cocoa from one of the vendors. We ran out by the summer of 2017, so while researching products and sources, we discovered the art of making chocolate. We've been making chocolate bars ever since.
We succeeded in meeting our goal: to create a product that promotes our home, Whidbey Island.
We offer single source, bean to bar chocolate, beautifully wrapped in an elegant gold foil silhouette of Whidbey Island for long-lasting memories.
For wholesale inquiries, call 360.672.1226